Organic Atta and Health Conditions: How It Impacts Blood Sugar and Cholesterol Levels

Elevate your health with organic atta! Explore its impact on blood sugar and cholesterol levels, uncovering nutritional benefits. Dive into the superior nutrient profile of organic atta. Make informed choices for a healthier lifestyle with this insightful guide.

25 January 2024
14m read time

Considering a flavourful shift to organic atta is wise, especially when the whole world is harping on organics’ benefits. The love for “chemical-less” stuff must give way to a thoughtful consideration concerning lifestyle changes.

Yes, organic – it’s the natural, non-white flour that often goes unnoticed in the store. But it can bring many health benefits that you’ll notice once you give it a try.

Organic atta is free from pesticides and chemical fertilizers, made from unprocessed and unpolished grains. It could be a game-changer for your health.

Let’s explore the wonders of organic atta – a simple way to make your meals healthier.

1. Understanding the Value of Organic

Organic farming is becoming more popular worldwide because it’s better for the environment. When farmers follow organic practices, they avoid using harmful fertilizers that can harm the surroundings.

They also rotate crops and use beneficial insects to improve the soil and crop quality. Instead of synthetic chemicals, they use natural composting manure.

Organic atta may have more nutrients from the soil than regular flour. Besides being environmentally friendly and giving you control over your food, choosing organic ideally means better quality.

Choosing better ingredients like organic atta can make your meals tastier and healthier!

Aashirvaad’s natures-superfoods is crafted with ancient grains like Jowar and Ragi, known for their exceptional nutritional profiles. Organic atta, derived from such grains, boasts enhanced nutrient content from the soil, surpassing regular flour.

Embracing organic choices extends beyond personal health to environmental friendliness, granting you greater control over your food sources.

2. Nutrient Profile of Organic Atta

When comparing regular atta to organic atta, it’s evident that organic atta has higher nutritional values. The table below outlines the approximate values for each food group per 100 grams of, showcasing its superior nutritional profile [1].

Energy 333 kcal
Protein 13.3 g
Total lipid (fat) 3.33 g
Carbohydrate 66.7 g
Total Dietary Fibre 10 g
Calcium 304.4 mg
Iron 3.6 mg
Magnesium 133 mg
Phosphorus 333 mg
Potassium 283 mg
Sodium 3.9 mg
Zinc 3 mg
Manganese, 4 mg
Riboflavin 0.113 mg
Niacin 5.33 mg
Pantothenic acid 0.667 mg
Vitamin B-6 0.4 mg
Vitamin B-12 0.4 µg

3. Benefits of Organic Flour

#1 Boosts Metabolism

Having a good metabolism is crucial for eliminating toxins from the body and absorbing nutrients. Organic wheat flour is rich in vitamins and minerals that enhance metabolism, providing more energy and improving overall fitness[User1] [User2] .

#2 Helps Manage Sugar Levels

Organic wheat flour has a low glycemic index, meaning it releases sugar into the bloodstream slowly. This is good for maintaining steady energy levels and preventing rapid spikes in blood sugar.

Choosing organic wheat flour with a low GI is a smart option for balanced and sustained energy throughout the day, supporting overall health.

Aashirvaad Sugar Release Control Atta is clinically tested to have GI values lesser than 55. This formula is distinctive because all its ingredients are carefully selected and blended in precise proportions, ensuring that it maintains a taste and sensory profile comparable to regular atta.

#3 Manages Cholesterol Levels

Choosing organic atta can be good for your heart by possibly helping your cholesterol. Organic atta, especially if it’s whole grain, has special things like soluble fibre that might lower the “bad” cholesterol.

This fibre also supports overall heart health, reducing the chance of heart problems. Organic atta has natural antioxidants that could stop plaque from building up in your arteries, keeping your heart healthy.

Plus, it’s low in bad fat and has complex carbs, making it a smart choice for your heart and giving you lasting energy.

You can choose Aashirvaad Multi Millet Mix which is heart-friendly, with millets rich in soluble fibre that helps lower cholesterol, supporting a healthy heart. Including it in your cooking can be a smart choice for heart health.

# Strengthens Bones

Organic wheat flour is rich in phosphorus, a vital element for strong bones and teeth. When combined with calcium, it enhances overall bone health, keeping you strong and healthy as you age.

Maintaining bone strength is crucial for both women and men, making organic wheat flour a valuable addition to your daily diet for improved health.

Aashirvaad Ragi Flour is rich in calcium which helps in strengthening bones. Because of its high calcium content it may help in the development of bones in growing children and in maintenance of bone health in adults.

4. Flour Choices for Diabetes and Cholesterol Management:

a. Ragi or finger millet –

Ragi is a good choice for people with diabetes because it has a low glycemic index (GI). Choosing low-GI foods, like Ragi, can be helpful for folks with diabetes as it prevents quick and high increases in blood sugar levels. Finger millet’s phytochemicals help in reviving digestion process. This helps in controlling blood sugar level in condition of diabetes [2].

b. Sorghum or Jowar atta-

Jowar atta is a wholesome option that works wonders for your heart health. Packed with soluble fibre, it aids in reducing cholesterol by blocking the absorption of dietary cholesterol. Jowar atta is also filled with vital vitamins and minerals such as B vitamins, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, and zinc. Being gluten-free, it’s an ideal heart-healthy pick for those with gluten sensitivity. Make your daily meals heart-smart by incorporating Jowar flour into your favourite recipes like rotis and dosas [3].

c. Chickpea flour

Chickpea flour is made from ground-up garbanzo beans, and it’s a good option if you have diabetes. There is 22.4 grams of protein in 100 grams of flour along with high fibre content and good starch digestibity, which may assist your body in managing blood sugar more effectively.

Chickpea flour has a rich, nutty taste and works well in sweet and savoury recipes like fritters, flatbreads, pancakes, and cookies. It’s also naturally dense and sticks things together, making it a great option if you’re avoiding gluten or following a vegan diet [4].

d. Coconut flour

Coconut flour is made from dried coconut meat, providing a nutritious alternative to regular flour. It has less sugar impact and more fibre, helping manage blood sugar levels.

It’s slightly sweet taste makes it perfect for a range of recipes like cakes, cookies, muffins, and breads [5].

5. Flavourful Recipes with Organic Atta

a. Ragi Uttapam Recipe

Nourish your body and delight your taste buds with this Ragi Uttapam, a breakfast dish that not only aids digestion but also helps control blood sugar.


  • ½ cup Ragi Flour
  • 2 tbsp Rava/Semolina or 2 tbsp flaxseed powder
  • Grated and chopped vegetables
  • ½ Cup Curd
  • Tempering of curry leaves/mustard leaves
  • ½ tbsp Baking Soda
  • Salt – to taste


1. Mix all ingredients (excluding baking soda and vegetables) to create a smooth batter. Allow the mixture to rest for 15-20 minutes.

2. Add baking soda to the batter and mix lightly.

3. Grease a non-stick pan with olive oil. Spread the batter on the pan in small circles.

4. Sprinkle vegetables on top and cook thoroughly.

5. Cook from both sides and serve with coconut chutney. Enjoy a healthy and flavourful start to your day!

b. Coconut Flour Brownies

Satisfy your sweet cravings guilt-free with these delectable coconut flour brownies. Infused with the rich flavour of chocolate, this fudgy recipe brings a healthier twist using coconut flour.


  • 1/3 cup Unsalted Butter, melted (or oil)
  • 1/2 cup Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
  • 6 Eggs
  • 1 cup Evaporated Cane Sugar
  • 1/2 tbsp. Sea Salt
  • 1/2 tbsp Vanilla Extract
  • 1/2 cup Organic Coconut Flour


1. Preheat oven to 350°F; oil a 9×9-inch pan and set aside.

2. Combine oil or melted butter with cocoa in a large bowl. Let cool if still warm.

3. Add eggs, sugar, salt, and vanilla to the cocoa mixture. Whisk in coconut flour until there are no lumps.

4. Pour into the prepared pan and bake until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean, about 30 minutes.

c. Chickpea Pancakes

Start your day on a nutritious note with these delightful chickpea pancakes. Packed with protein and a hint of nutty flavour, these pancakes offer a delightful twist to your breakfast routine. Customize your stack with toppings like fresh fruits, honey, or yogurt for a truly satisfying experience.


  • 1 cup Chickpea Flour
  • 1/2 cup Water
  • 1 Egg
  • 1/2 tbsp Baking Powder
  • Pinch of Salt
  • Optional: Chopped vegetables or herbs for added freshness


1. In a mixing bowl, combine chickpea flour, water, egg, baking powder, and a pinch of salt. Whisk until you achieve a smooth batter.

2. Heat a non-stick pan over medium heat. Pour a ladleful of batter onto the pan, spreading it into a circular shape.

3. If desired, sprinkle chopped vegetables or herbs onto the pancake. Cook until bubbles form on the surface, then flip and cook the other side.

4. Repeat the process until the batter is used up.

5. Serve your chickpea pancakes warm with your favorite toppings. Enjoy a wholesome and protein-packed breakfast!

d. Instant Jowar Dosa

Jowar dosa is a wholesome and gluten-free alternative to traditional dosa, offering a nutritious twist to your breakfast with its golden, crispy texture. Incorporate the goodness of jowar flour for a heart-healthy start to your day.


  • 1 cup Jowar flour
  • ⅓ Cup finely chopped onion
  • 1 teaspoon grated ginger
  • 1-2 green chillies, finely chopped
  • 2 tablespoons coriander leaves, finely chopped
  • 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
  • 1.5 tablespoons plain yogurt
  • 1 ¾ cups water
  • Salt to taste
  • Oil as required


1. In a large bowl, mix Jowar flour, onion, green chillies, ginger, cumin seeds, curry leaves, cilantro, and salt.

2. Whisk yogurt with a cup of water and add it to the Jowar flour mixture. Mix well to remove any lumps. Cover and let it rest for 20 minutes.

3. After 20 minutes, add ¾ cup of water to the batter. Mix well; the batter should have a thin consistency, similar to buttermilk.

4. Heat a cast-iron skillet. Drizzle oil and wipe it off with a paper towel.

5. Pour a ladle full of batter about 6 inches above the pan, creating a dosa. Cook on medium-high flame.

6. After a minute, drizzle oil on the sides and in the holes. Cook for another 1-2 minutes until the dosa looks crispy.

7. Use a spatula to loosen it up and gently remove the dosa. Serve immediately with your favourite chutney.

6. Closing Thoughts

In the world of food choices, picking organic stands out for a reason. Whether it’s the yummy taste, the health boost, or the promise of quality, organic atta offers a package that’s hard to beat. It’s a choice that follows global standards, steering clear of harmful chemicals and fake stuff. While the price might be a bit higher, the goodness and well-being it brings to the table make it a decision worth making. So, when you choose organic, you’re not just picking flour; you’re embracing a lifestyle that’s both wholesome and smart.

And here’s a little extra goodness – think about starting your own organic kitchen garden. Even in small apartments, you can bring a bit of nature into your home. It’s like adding a personal touch to your organic journey. When you opt for Aashirvaad Organic, you’re choosing quality you can trust. Our products undergo 217 tests, ensuring they’re completely pesticide-free. With certifications from USDA Organic, Jaivik Bharat, Organic India, and Indocert, we stand firmly behind our commitment to excellence.

7. Frequently Asked Questions

a. Is there a significant nutritional difference between organic atta and regular atta?

Yes, organic atta tends to have higher nutritional values compared to regular atta, offering a range of health benefits.

b. How does organic atta contribute to blood sugar management?

Organic atta has a lower glycemic index, providing a gradual release of glucose and helping maintain balanced blood sugar levels. Its high fibre content also plays a role in moderating blood sugar.

c. How does organic atta contribute to heart health?

Organic atta, especially whole grain options, may help manage cholesterol levels due to its soluble fibre content which further prevents binding of cholesterol into bloodvessels. It also contains natural antioxidants, contributing to a healthy heart. Choosing heart-friendly alternatives like Jowar and multi millet mix can further support cardiovascular health.

d. How can I incorporate organic atta into my daily meals for better health?

You can easily substitute regular flour with organic atta in recipes for chapatis, dosas, pancakes, and more. This simple switch enhances the nutritional value of your meals, making them both tasty and healthy.

e. Is organic atta suitable for individuals with gluten sensitivity?

Yes, organic atta, particularly gluten-free options like Jowar and chickpea flour, is an ideal choice for those with gluten sensitivity. It allows for the enjoyment of traditional recipes without compromising health.